An impression is a metric used to measure the number of times a piece of content or advertisement appears on a user's screen. Impressions are used to track the engagement rate of digital campaigns and can be invaluable when it comes to gauging the success of an advertising campaign. Let’s take a closer look at impressions, how they are measured, and why they are important for data-driven decision making.
Impressions are counted each time your advertisement or content appears on a user's device or page. This includes when an ad is served, when it loads within the viewable space, and when it is seen by a user. It does not include clicks on an ad, as that would be measured using click-through rate (CTR). This means that if one person views your ad multiple times within a given period, each time will count as one impression.
Impressions matter because they give you hard data on how many people have seen your content or ads online. By measuring impressions, you can get an understanding of brand awareness and reach in terms of how many people actually saw your ad or content. This helps you gauge whether or not your ads were effective in getting out there and engaging potential customers. Furthermore, measuring impressions over time can help you understand whether certain tactics work better than others when it comes to reaching more people with your message.
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