Metric Guide

Active User


Active user metrics provide tremendous value when it comes to understanding customer behavior and engagement levels on any given platform or service. With this information at hand, businesses can make informed decisions about marketing campaigns, product development initiatives as well as pricing models that are sure to drive revenue growth over time. So if you’re looking for better insights into who is using your products and services most frequently – tracking active users should be at the top of your list!


An active user is defined as an individual who interacts with your platform in some way within a certain time period. This interaction could be anything from using your product, logging into your service, or making a purchase. In order for someone to qualify as an active user, their interaction must happen within a specific timeframe—typically 30 days or 90 days. Defining this timeframe for measuring active users will help you accurately gauge the full scope of customer engagement with your business. Once you know what qualifies someone as an active user and how long they need to remain engaged with your business within that period of time to qualify, then you can begin measuring the number of active users that interact with your platform over time. A tracking tool such as Google Analytics will help you track and measure the activity levels of users across multiple devices and platforms over time. You can also measure repeat visits by returning visitors who come back to use your services multiple times within the same period of time. This type of analysis will give you insight into customer loyalty and retention rate—important metrics for gauging the success of any business model.


Understanding who are actively engaging with your product or service is invaluable data that helps inform decisions about marketing campaigns, product development, pricing models and more. Knowing who is interacting with your brand on a regular basis helps you target them specifically with messages tailored to their needs while also helping you determine where resources should be allocated in order to maximize revenue and profits in the future. Additionally, having an accurate measure of return customers versus new customers gives you crucial insight into which demographic groups are most engaged with your company and where potential opportunities exist for growth in other areas or markets.

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