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Our Unique Approach to AI: Harnessing the Power of the Business Graph™

Our AI story starts with a robust foundation of context that businesses can build around: the Business Graph™.

Zach Mandell
June 1, 2024
Our Unique Approach to AI: Harnessing the Power of the Business Graph™
Table of Contents

We’re not alone when we say we’ve been thinking about how we can apply AI to the world of analytics. It’s almost two years into the LLM era, and for all its hype, we’re not really sure what to believe. Sure, we can now write SQL faster and we might soon see people outside the data team using language models for ad-hoc workflows, but is this the “next generation” we’re working to achieve?

Today, I'm excited to share our unique approach to revolutionizing the world of structured data and analytics using AI and the Business Graph™. When we think about AI at Push.ai, we're not starting from chat-based workflows and query engines. For us, it’s about helping companies move beyond the “what?” questions around their data and into the “why?” and “so what?”

Like the greatest of AI stories, ours starts with context. We needed a foundation of context that both we and our customers could build around, which led us to introduce the Business Graph™. The Business Graph™ is a knowledge graph representation of your business that allows us to model and understand an extensive amount of context from any organization. By capturing the relationships between every metric, measure, entity, and dimension, the Business Graph™ provides a comprehensive representation of a business’s entire ecosystem. This knowledge graph approach also allows us to attach information outside of a company’s traditional data architecture, like who are the people driving each part of the business, what are their actions and what are the goals they’re working to achieve.

The magic happens when we apply AI to this graph. Traditional AI implementations often struggle with the complexity and interdependencies of business data, not to mention the need for high levels of governance and accuracy. With the Business Graph™, AI can use the graph-based knowledge to reliably perform advanced reasoning and uncover insights that were previously out of reach. Instead of describing isolated data points, our approach to AI allows us to predict outcomes, identify necessary actions, and answer “why?”.

Imagine a company aiming to increase its quarterly revenue. The Business Graph™ allows us to understand the intricate web of activities needed to achieve this goal. We can look at related metrics to predict whether the revenue target is likely to be met, suggest adjustments in marketing strategies, sales tactics, or customer success initiatives, and pinpoint underperforming areas that need attention. This level of insight would only be possible with a army of analysts and this depth of understanding transforms the way businesses operate, driving them toward measurable outcomes and sustained success.

At Push.ai, our approach is not just about using AI but about redefining how AI interacts with business data. The Business Graph™ provides the rich, contextual foundation necessary for our AI to deliver insights that are not only accurate but relevant and actionable. This is our vision for the future of AI-driven analytics, and we're excited to continue the journey.

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Zach Mandell

Zach is the CEO of Push.ai. He's been an engineer, data analyst and loves building whether it is with his hands or on the keyboard. You can find him surfing the Pacific coast of Mexico, or looking for the best spot in town for a loaf of sourdough.

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