How to monitor Snowflake spend in Slack

In this post, I’ll show you how you we can use Snowflake’s ORGANIZATION_USAGE schema, to track warehouse compute costs across your organization. Each time you load data, execute queries, or perform DML (data manipulation language) operations, you’ll consume credits, which are then billed to your account at a certain rate (i.e., cost per credit).
Warehouse compute costs are just one line-item among others in your Snowflake bill, including storage, and other compute resources unrelated to warehouse compute. Performing a comprehensive accounting of Snoflake costs is a time-intensive exercise - there’s entire companies focused around tracking Snowflake spend. If this is your first time digging in, warehouse compute cost is the best place to start. It usually makes up the majority of spend and will vary depending on your team’s scope of usage and behavior.
Before, getting started, let’s make sure we have the right permissions. You’ll need to:
We’ll use two different views in the ORGANIZATION_USAGE schema to calculate warehouse compute costs:
Snowflake provides either a legacy or upgraded version of the rate sheet view, so it’s important to check which version exists within your organization, as columns in the view will differ. I’ve included a query below, which works for our internal Snowflake instance, but you might need to adjust it depending on what exists in either table for your org.
First, you’ll need to connect your Snowflake instance with If you have an existing connection, you’ll need to create an additional one which connects to the SNOWFLAKE database and may require a different user or role.
Next, use the query from the previous step to create a custom SQL metric in The date dimensions should be the data column and, we will SUM over the compute_spend column to arrive at a metric for warehouse compute cost.
Bonus: Build the metric into a semantic layer with one of our integration partners!
Use Reports to easily track Snowflake spend each month. In this Report, I can track what my spend is for the current month, as well as where I’m projected to be at the end of the month.
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